I've got a C concoction going on today since I'm participating in Jenny Matlock's Alphabe - Thursday. It was difficult coming up with just one C word to focus on because there are so many choices, but I decided to limit myself to 3...
Since I started blogging a few months ago I've seen soooo many Cool ideas! You all are completely amazing & talented & creative & inspiring... *do I have your full attention yet? : ) * I saw so many ideas I wanted to borrow but I couldn't keep them all straight in my little pea brain. So, I started an idea file {found in my tool bar} where I tucked away the links of things I wanted to remember.
My all time #1 favorite, uber Cool idea to date is *HERE*
These scultures are made out of driftwood by Heather Jansch !!
These scultures are made out of driftwood by Heather Jansch !!
I have absolutely no hope of EVER constructing something like this, but I had to save it and share it because it blows my mind!!! The fluidity and beauty of these creatures astounds me. I'm confounded by her vision! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised, in the least, if one of them actually galloped away!! Whew! Oh, I'm flushed - those sculptures truly move me!!
Ok! So that was the Cool... moving on to the Cr@pPy Crafts
{1}Do you recall this wall of vinyl frames?
Do you recall I predicted they would fall down one day?
Well, slap me silly & call me a fortune teller cuz look what happened
As it turned out, the black frame was not the part you 'rub on' the wall. It was the negative space that was sticking to the wall! A few little sticky spots were not going to hold up the large frame! And it didn't, obviously. I may have even damaged the wall because I kept rubbing & rubbing the black trying to get that part to adhere to the wall!
Looks like this one's next... Grrrrrrr!

Looks like this one's next... Grrrrrrr!
So, I'll warn you again: If you are tempted to buy the faux vinyl wall art from Target - Just Say NO!!
{2}I picked up a few discontinued fabric samples from JoAnn Fabrics a while ago. I've been doing different projects with them *see here, here & here*
I was saving my favorite for a special project. Love it!
I finally decided on a handbag. I wanted a funky shape for my cool print and came up with this
My idea was to have interchangeable handles, so I punched holes to install grommets. Unfortunately, I chose a grommet the wrong size for my punch. Now I just have holes. I'm not calling it a Craft Fail yet. I'm not buying a new punch yet either. I'm calling it Cr@pPy planning & filing it under 'In Limbo'
{3} I could keep going on & on but I'll just bore you with 2 today and move on...
My Challenging Craft is definitely my hip chair I found at GW right before Labor Day
I thought it was just going to be a reupholstery job & I thought it would be pretty easy with it's clean lines. But when I removed the fabric I found Mr. Grumpy Potato Head underneath
& it smelled! I couldn't bring myself to just cover it up so I stripped it down to the frame.
Now we're talking a totally different ball game. I don't know nothin' bout redoing this!!
The back was tufted. And the seat has deteriorating burlap which I wanted to replace but can't because there are wires running through it. I can't spend a lot of $ to redo this. So there it sits in the garage where Handy Hubby : ) walks by it and asks every day how much longer it's going to be there. Siiigh!
So there you have it - The Cool, the Cr@pPy & the Challenging!
C you next time!

ps for those of you still hanging around and who asked to C this...
Here's the crumb.catcher/dust.ruffle dress from Plan B

ps for those of you still hanging around and who asked to C this...
Here's the crumb.catcher/dust.ruffle dress from Plan B
what amazing talent.. I wish I had just a little of that!
I love those sculptures! You're right about them being fluid. They are almost as graceful as the real thing...
Those sculptures are amazing! From far away it looked like a real animal!
And great job on the bag! Very cute & I love the fabric : )
Oh my gosh, those driftwood designs are so cool!! Seriously, how does someone make one of those?? ;-)
Happy Friday Dear! xo
Oh and sweetie, have you stopped by and put your city info in at LOCATION CENTRAL yet? It's the blog where you're able to see who else blogs in your area.
I'm not a big fan of vinyl wall art from target either, but I DO use those for stencils on canvases. You can reuse them and those frames would make awesome stenciled frames for a piece of art!
I always take pic of unusually crafted art. Love the driftwood sculptures! That woman is very artistic. I have a few other pics of horses sculptures. I may have to share her's as well.
Thank you for sharing about the wall art. I bought some and was afraid I'd damage the walls too. Considering my husband is the "wall hole po po" I think I'd better rethink the rub on wall art, or I'll never here the end of it! Thanks for visiting my blog. And Thanks for participating in Jenny's Alphabe~Thursday. Good post!~Ames
You have such a vibrant and amusing style of writing! Kept me smiling all the way through - so, I am just going to have to become one of your regulars and follow along (#135!)! Please join me at my history blog - I'd love to have you!
What a creative post. Love the bag I hope you find some grommets that work or a friend with the right hole punch because it is really cute and I would want to carry it. The chair certainly does look like a challenge. I have one built similarly and just plan on making a slip cover to go over the old. But it does not smell so I can do it. If you did not pay to much maybe you can think of another use for the wood pieces and toss the rest. Just a thought.
Those driftwood sculptures are really amazing. Too bad driftwood is hard to come by in central Indiana. :) Hope you're having a great fall!
The hardest thing in bloggisme, I find, is visiting amazing blogs and not having anything remotely erudite, original, artistic enough to justify the author's even glancing at the comment! But it is still good to visit!
I love and found interesting everything here - but I can't get over those horses made out of branches. Some people have talent coming out of their ears! Wow! Great share!
I keep hauling home bits of driftwood, thinking I'll create something, but all I've managed are some artfully discarded bits and pieces.
That chair.....are you allowed to have Halloween bonfires where you live?
You should try it! If they sculptures don't come out right you can call them free-form art or something!
this was a fun post. I like your creative use of the letter "C".
The sticking frames had me laughing. You're a nut.
Thanks for a fun link to Alphabe-Thursday this week.
The sculptures are amazing. I couldn't do that either. Nor could I make a sweet little purse the way you did!
Welcome to the blogging world!!
Your blog is always interesting. Thanks for sharing.
love the driftwood horses. the chair turned out wonderful and I love the bag....I am glad you are inspired by so many great blogs...I always get inspired too!
Those horses are amazing!!
I always have a project here and there that needs a plan B. Don't feel bad.
that chair needs for re-upholstery, if you are not trained in it, either spend the money to have it done or chuck, sorry :(
The handbag is adorable. :)
and perhaps those vinyl frames were for stenciling, not sure - never saw them before.
Good luck.
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